Garbage / Recycling
Keep your trash in until it’s pickup day, otherwise you might have some uninvited after dinner party guests.

Garbage is collected each Thursday in the Village.
If a holiday falls on a week day during the week (M-F), the garbage will be collected on Friday.
Please place all garbage at the curb by 7 a.m.
Trash cans have to be placed in a certain manner in order for the new trucks to pick up the bins. The cans must have the lid opening portion facing the roadway as seen in the image below. If there are multiple can set out, they must be at least three (3) feet apart for the same reasons.
The Village contracts through Waste Management for garbage collection. If you have anything other than the 96 gallon trash bin set out it will not be picked up. If you need an additional bin (96gal) please contact Waste Management. Billing will go directly to you from WM for additional bins.
If your trash was set out correctly and on time (by 7am) and then not picked up, please notify the Village as soon as possible. You can either use the contact us form here or call the hall directly. If no one knows it was missed there is not a lot that can be done. If the truck is still around they may still be able to get it, if not they will schedule a pickup as soon as possible.
